Lois Jones MA RCC CCC
C O U N S E L L O R // C R E A T I V E A R T S T H E R A P I S T
What is play therapy?
Kids make sense of the world through play so when something difficult has happened, play therapy offers an alternative talking about it. Play IS a child's language. Play therapy is a way for children to process painful experiences in a non-threatening, safe environment.
My fee is $135 per hour (including GST), as recommended by the BC Association of Clinical Counsellor.
Because time is precious, you must provide 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule a session or you will be charged a cancellation fee.
My practice is located in White Rock at #202 - 1548 Johnston Rd. I also see clients at BCG Counselling Group, with offices in Langley and Burnaby (www.counsellinggroup.org).
Why creative arts therapy?
You know when you just don't have the words to describe something? When that awful experience that you keep seeing gets stuck in your throat? Because trauma is stored in non-verbal regions of the brain, creative arts therapy offers a safe way to make sense of tough things by supplementing traditional psychotherapy with the intentional use of creativity.